Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Tuesday Session 4 by Marcia

Session: 21st Century Teaching and Learning Skills: How Can They Teach What They Don’t Know?
Essential Elements for Professional Development for Online Teachers
Susan Leavey, Virtual High School

This is basically an overview of Virtual High School (VHS) program.

What good is professional development for teachers?
Keeps teachers current
Collaboration opportunities
Gets teachers out of the classroom for more collegial options
Supportive environment

21st Century learners are
Critical thinkers
Problem solvers

“Virtual High School does Professional Development very well.”
VHS PD is 10 weeks beginning in September.

PROfessional GRowth ESSentials

VHS program—how it works
School provides VHS with teacher, school can enroll 25 students free.

Teacher can design own course or use preexisting
Community, technology and pedagogy in all courses

Group activities and group projects are stressed.
Parents are NOT involved with teachers.
Large support network for teachers

PROfessional GRowth ESSentials
Course design
content, goal setting
portfolio and evidence
additional evidence, reflection, portfolio

Students take ownership of academic capability

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