Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Monday notes 5 by Marcia

Session: Effective Methods for Training, Supporting, and Retaining Quality Online Instructors
Presenters: Lisa Watkins, Sandra Richards, Jamie Sachs--Georgia Virtual School (state funded)
According to presenters, Georgia Virtual School has the online program for what it does best—train, support, and retain teachers

To be successful, you must first determine what the term means.

Defining success:

Look at completion rates (“successful” completion rate = 70% score)
Compare standardized test scores
Compare instrucxtional techniques
Teacher evaluations
Student evaluations

Factors that Affect Success:
Teacher standards
Teacher training
Instructional techniques
Teacher evaluation
Student support

Georgia Virtual School has these online teacher standards:
National and State Standards
Organizational Standards

Georgia standards
Instructor manual
SREB Task Force Standard Development
Teacher training (ongoing)

Teacher forum

Application for online teaching positions through Georgia Virtual School is a rigorous process, and entrance into the training program does not guarantee employment.

Teacher Training
Based on set standards
Provides an opportunity for teachers to perform as online learners
Provides the opportunity for teachers to learn the pedagogy of online teaching and learning and the technology requirements for teaching online
Mirrors expectations set in virtual student classrooms

Veteran teachers develop the courses for Georgia Virtual School; Georgia DPI owns the content of the courses.

Georgia Virtual School hires teachers based on need—there are no full time teachers.
There are three semesters, and three pacing models (4 week semester, 16 week semester, 13 week semester). (Explanation was requested several times by several people, and we still did not understand this.)

Questions regarding funding—for example, does funding follow student?—were answered, “That gets worked out among theirselves(sic).”

Fall and SpringTeacher Training
“Desire to Learn” is their trsaining program

Content Requirements:
Well defined learning objectives
Clear and organized content
Varied assignments and assessments that address learning objectives

Instructor techniques
Address individual learning styles through:
Course content
Live chats—“Elluminate” program
Other communication methods
All available sources

Create a community of learners by:
Providing opportunities for collaboration and interaction
Providing timely and targeted feedback
Encouraging communication

Successful completion=mentoring
School provides access, Georgia Virtual School provides materials
Whoever trains your teachers, be sure to--
model the teaching and dealing with problems
relate to standards set for teacher
have experienced mentors for each teacher
have new teachers shadow veteran online teachers (and teach a unit of the course)


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