Offering for both AP and regular classes
Offer to public/private/homeschool and open for state funding
What we found:
Many schools have needs in addition to what we had imagined
These schools want to serve their student but not in the “traditional” on line
All adjunct teachers
Students go to their own school but take the course online during that scheduled time
Latin is biggest course
Can provide for a class w/o a teacher
Students can float in whatever period they can go to the lab-the teacher in the lab class that period gives oversight and/or help
Student’s school provides supervision-every school has a facilitator in charge
School loses the FTE-follows the student so the VS gets the FTE for the online students
Have developed most of their own curriculum
Lot of teachers use Synchonized tools
None are selfpaced and have Friday due dates-most courses are specific lengths
Willing to collaborate
How to support a new online teacher? GA can use their curriculum and facilitate lessons on which teacher is not comfortable with yet
Blended learning is growing
Schools who get involved have to pay a seat fee and for online textbooks
Blended is mix of face and online (ex online during week for AP Bio and face labs on Fridays)
Have thought of putting all their content on the web (moodle)
Lots of schools just want to do better in AP-putting 8 AP reviews on line free to every student
Want to give student opportunity for a class they can’t take in any other way-more cost effective and really not in direct competition with schools or CESA’s, etc
Helping kids in some way meet college entrance requirements
Lets homebound students taken as many as they need free
Professional Development course offered-10 hour course (platform, policy, processes, etc) Has complete Q&A listed
If student is as FTE, it is during day, but if tuition, can do it anytime
Online all the time-flexible hours and all virtual
Obstacle: Missing computers at home-have expectations still to do all the coursework
Offer courses to all in a residential setting-set up a schedule for doing core
Offering course work to alternative schools
Medical homebound-this is a great resource –helps the student stay on task and doesn’t burden the of getting all the make-up stuff to that student
Special Ed homebound kids-schools do well financially as the virtual school is cheaper than what the school gets from state
Some schools allow students to come in on their schedule-student can do work anytime as long as meet due dates
Helps with extracurriculars as kids really involved can take classes anytime and can leave school early or come in late
Official class size is 20
Most teachers teach a regular 6 classes and then one class on line-some at home teachers
Paid by the student-AP-$250 per student enrolled
Low drop rate-if they drop after first 5 days, teacher gets to keep the money
******Have courses on math remediation UNITS! Check on that!! Will try this in the spring-Alg 1 and 2. District will just pay the cost of that course
Pay the teachers to develop an online class
Working with SRB for course quality
Have a demo class online to show parents on website
Registration format is their own design
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