Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Tuesday Morning Session by Deb

Tim Magner: Tech Dept US Gov
The world is changing
Fastest growing economies (China-manufacturing, India-services)
So many who graduate here go back to their home country giving them competitive edge
Gap in need for engineers and number we graduate
Education is key driver in our ability to compete
Rate of change problem: Even if we could graduate everyone available, that is only a small fraction of ones available in China/India/Russia-we have to educate our percent very well in order to compete with vast numbers from other countries
NEED to improve math/science!! Quality will determine competitiveness!!!
Talent-business support-technology needed for growth
President’s American Competitiveness Program to train and keep our students here and qualified in skills for 21st Century
Math/science preparedness is crucial
Just taking AP course even if they don’t take exam helps them in Post Sec/
Changes happening:
Location independent for education
Info distribution is flattened-free and level across
All kinds of info delivery systems and ways to access and participate
New models of instructional design-developing and using
Textbooks can be out and download is in
Need context and relevance, authority, suitability added to data/info
Need to mesh above process and distribution with value in personalizing it
Have to cohese all this with meaning and new modalities
Online learning can do the cohesion
Don’t agree that educating all students is the way to meet the sheer numbers competing in other countries!! Those countries don’t educate all students-they really focus on top end!
Online can be both an opportunity within and without the public schools-can be a part of traditional process-requires creativity http://school2-0.org
Learning objects needs to be a role of federal govt-challenge for govt is not only promote technology but to how to implement technology procedurally-another challenge is the absence of national standards/curriculum
Need to develop a clear process for how students/parents select any online program-traditional to full-time online continuum

Chic Thompson
Visualize where we want the “ball” to go!! Swing through the ball with the right side of the brain!
How to put hippy skippy into life:
Getting rid of “yes, but” left brain thinking!
What are the “killer phrases” (yes, but phrases)
Nerf ball thrown at those who use “killer phrases” which come AFTER the brain storming
It’s how we relate to the idea in the first minute that dictate a great deal of success
How to defuse the killer phrases
Can’t just give out ideas-have to be ready to defuse (Yes, and… .) the killer phrases!
Positive response to a negative
Create a vision driven solution-see handout
HOW will we achieve it –BE BOLD!
Jim Gilmore-the whole world is a stage-we get to choose the kind of experience we create!
The biggest issue in this session was to change from “Yes, but” to “Yes, and”. The power of ideas!!
Do an “idea share” around a particular concept!

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