Monday, November 06, 2006

BreakOut#1- Virtual Veterans Top Ten by Janel

Florida Virtual School-
market to parents and students right away, publicize in relocation packages, eliminate waiting lists, online teacher training requirement, public relations a crucial part of teacher job descriptions, refer a freind program, outsourced more, methodical teacher oversight is key

Plano School District-
Streaming media issues in sending and receiving work, all teachers must take an online course, sell locally developed courses, use open source, collaborate for materials with other areas

Colorado Connections Academy-
This school is younger students. Working with families and family dynamics so different support is needed, close ties between teachers and families, evaluate written and oral communication sills of the teachers, testing is a challenge,

Colorado Online Learning-
policy makers don't all use email, concentrate on LEARNING not the medium, think BEYOND the book

Connections Academy-
don't spend too much time differentiatingbetween full time and supplemental time students, this is not a cost saver, shows just how important teachers are, let parents teachers and students tell the story adn successes when at all possible, embrace the power of data- data accountability is a unique strength, homeschool families have the idea that the online schools are a plot to get those kids back in public schooling-they picketed this academy in Wisconsin at their informational sessions, your ablest competitors are your best allies.

Open Questions
Integrity, honesty and acceptable use policies. Most people are concerned about who is doing the work. This can be addressed through specialized teacher training. Vary interaction with physical portfolios, webmail, phone calls and more and standardized tests, they put in external checks and measures. When push comes to shove, this is a very small problem. Some have an academic integrity committee that they form and make sure that there are tools in place. will check items. The students have to load everything into to help check. High school is a much larger problem. Wikipedia is not in There are cheating rings that they create so they built randomized test bank. Teachers must then call students and give an oral quiz every month based upon where the student is. Also talking to parents because then they will literally have to lie to you. Check email and papers are written at the same level.

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