Monday, November 06, 2006

Break Out 4: How To Start a Virtual School by Janel

The Virtual Campus Rapid City, SD
Funding Issues
Teacher pay-based upon number of students in the class that pass the class and per credit, pay beased upon FTE or adjunct?
Marketing- need to advertise and figure out how to advertise what you are doing, brochures, frig magnets, pens, etc
Courses- create or purchase, must consider revision options
South Dakota islooking for teachers with SD licenses
Cultivating Successful students, asynchronous, exit surveys

Minnesota Virtual Academy Houston, MN
Very small school with limited resources including personell and their experiences. K12 is their curriculum provider that makes it work really really well. Highly recommend them.
SIS- Automated CumulativeFile
Extracurricular activities- destination imagination, knowledge bowl, spelling bees, etc

Kansas Virtual School
tapped into parent resources for regional locations where families get together
community enrichment package
coach and support parents
mothers group meets for dinner
building community to support parents and students
activities occuring across the state on a weekly basis
parents plan these activites

Need an SIS that will work with the LMS to keep track of communication pieces

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