Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Charter School Meeting #2

July 25, 2006

Present: Nick, Janel, deb

We will do instrumentality-the teachers will be employed by this district
deb will send for applications from those district having virtual charter schools
Appleton eSchool
Grantsburg Virtual School
Keil eSchool
Kohler-Northeast Wisconsin Online Charter School
Northern Ozaukee, The Wisconsin Virtual Academy
Waukesha, iQ Academies at Wisconsin
Cambridge, JEDI Virtual High School
Medford, Rural Virtual Academy
The charter school concept includes the following thus far:
School will cover K-12 core academics
Utilize our own teachers as mentors/virtual teachers-will require “crunching” existing schedules at the HS level to provide an hour of time for mentoring/virtual teaching
Provide a great deal of PD during 2006/07 and begin school in fall of 2007
Have to hire an oversight person responsible for site visits and checking up for accountability of parents and students-this is very important for success!
The staff needs to be better informed as to why we are looking at doing this and how this will not be eliminating them, but will be a benefit to keeping this district afloat-Nick will put something together on this soon
Need to expand planning team to include (in addition to Nick, Janel and deb):
Don Aanonsen
Parents (suggest Cheryl Ritter, Sue Laatsch, Lee Kreklow) Q: Nick, are you going to call these parents or send them a letter?
deb will check to see who else may need to be on planning team

Next meeting-Wednesday, July 26th at 9:30
Following this meeting, plans will be put in place to have the expanded team meet

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