Charter School Grant Information and Ideas
DPI Charter School Yearbook
A charter school gains more freedom from state rules in exchange for greater accountability for results
The charter defines the missions and methods of the charter school
Is developed to fit the special needs and interests of its community, parents, students
Offer a choice to parents and students in the area of curriculum, teaching methods and classroom structure
School board determines whether the charter school is an “instrumentality” of the district. If it is, the district employs all personnel. If it is not, the personnel are considered employees of the charter---we will be instrumentality.
a. If instrumentality, teachers are part of the union, if not, they aren’t
Teachers must be licensed by DPI
Special charter school teaching license that allows for licensed teacher to teach any subject.
Special charter teaching permit that allows anyone to teach who has either a bachelor’s degree in the subject or in a related field or proof of mastery in the trade they are assigned to teach
Students are counted as members of the district-counted in district’s regular average daily membership count for state aid purposes
Grant is for up to 5 years and then may be renewed for one or more terms
The charter must describe the methods the school will use to enable students to attain the general educational goals listing in 118.01 including health/safety
Must give equal access to all students in district and beyond.
Attendance is voluntary with no tuition charged-out of district can apply via open enrollment
Parental involvement in organization and governance is a must
The charter determines the amount of funding. In some cases, district’s per-pupil expenditure follows the student as he moves from a public to charter school. In other cases, the charter functions with less money because of sharing district services.
The state charter school grants pay for planning and implementing costs such as PD, assessment strategies, curriculum development and technology (Q: Would we be getting every student a laptop?) These funds can defray costs not covered by state and local funds, but they may not be used for regular ongoing operational costs of the charter school, such as teacher/staff salaries, facilities or transportation ((Q: Do these get covered out of regular district funds?)
Charter schools are assigned individual school codes by DPI and are accountable for reporting the achievement of the high academic standards described in their charters
The best charter schools balance clear educational goals with their unique styles and missions
Note: On the charter school map, there is a big blank space in our area-no other charters close by
Comments we could use from other charter schools
Appleton eSchool: “an online charter high school, uses the potential that computers and the internet offer to extend educational opportunities for students and to further develop their capabilities as independent learners…….frequent student/teacher communication provides the level of support needed……..web-based courses are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from wherever there is Internet access……Special efforts are made to attract those students whose needs have not been met or are not currently being met for whatever reason in the traditional school environment.”.
Appleton, Valley New School: “The mission of the VNS is to create a learning community that empowers individuals to become purposeful adults”
Appleton, Wisconsin Connections Academy: “is a public school without walls…an instrumentality of Appleton Area School District…….the state’s first virtual grades K-8 elementary school enrolling students from all across the state….. parents enjoy a greater involvement in their child’s educational life………WCA was chartered with the mission to help all students maximize their potential and meet the highest performance standards….through a uniquely individualized learning program that combines the best in virtual education with very real connections among students, families, teachers and community.”
Argyle, Lafayette County Community Charter School: “For the most part, current curricula are traditional, text-dominated, linear offerings. Not all students excel in this environment, especially those who are more visual and tactual in learning styles”
Colfax, Academic Center-High School: “…committed to creating the most productive learning environment, ….developing academic skills…..The school’s primary goal is to assist all students in realizing their maximum potential in order to become productive citizens”
Crandon, Crandon Alternative Resource School: “….designed to serve at-risk students in grades 7-12 who have experienced limited success in the traditional school setting of Crandon Middle and High School and its present at-risk programs”.
Denmark, Denmark Empowerment Charter School: …strong emphasis on individualization of instructional unit pace and individualization of unit topical interest for its students……The DECS emphasizes student self-concept building, self-choice and self-evaluation, team building, community-service learning opportunities…..Monthly on-site parent lunches are planned, prepared and served by students followed by monthly student progress conferences”.
Eau Claire, McKinley Charter School: “the mission of the charter school is to educate students for responsible behavior in their home, school and community……the school meets students where they are and helps them move forward academically…..”
Flambeau, Flambeau Charter School: “Regular classroom teachers are encouraged to participate as facilitators of learning and are provided time within the workday as well as out of class time to develop the skills needed to become master facilitators of student learning. Community members, businesses, and industry are identified by students and staff and are recruited to become mentors of charter students to work along with teachers to assist and assess student learning” (Q: Who will be our teachers? What is our specific targeted population?)
Grantsburg, Grantsburg Virtual School: “in order to realize the goal of educating EVERY student in the district, especially those who are home-schooled or credit-deficient, an alternative mode of learning was created. The GVS allows students to take control of their educations and realize success. The vision of the school is success for everyone who desires to take virtual classes, ranging from the disenfranchised student who is credit-deficient and in danger of not graduating, to the average student who can become exceptional by creating his or her individualized program, to the gifted student who can earn national recognition in his or her areas of interests…….Students can also access their courses at any time of day from their homes, public libraries or anywhere with an internet connection. Students participate in online courses taught by virtual teachers.”
Hayward, Hayward Center for Individualized Learning: … a noninstrumentality…….The HACIL is a year round charter school that primarily targets home-schooled students in grades K-12, although it is open to all who meet the District requirements for enrollment. The school is governed by a 5-person board of directors……An appointed member of the Hayward Board of Education occupies one of the director seats…..Parents consult with a WI-certified teacher to develop and individualized educational plan…Students maintain a portfolio….also participate in district standardized tests….. The HACIL plan is structure to incorporate the contributions of those who are willing to share their time, energy, and expertise in addressing the diverse needs of children”
Janesville, Rock River Charter School: “The school recognizes that not all students learn in the same way”
Jefferson, Jefferson County Alternative School: “The overall purpose of the program is for each student to become a more responsible and productive member of their communities”
Kiel, Kiel eSchool: “Kiel eSchool is an online school through which students access district-approved internet courses with the assistance of online teachers as well as a personal and family coach and licensed educator serving as a local mentor/teacher. The school was designed to ensure the success of those students whose needs are not adequately met in the traditional classroom……Students “attend” classes on their home computers, in the home-based classroom located in the lower level of the Kiel Area District Office building and in individual building libraries and technology centers. Students can participate in all activities and services provided to the rest of the district’s students”
Kohler, NE Wisconsin Online Charter School: “Students…access Internet courses that are aligned with state and national academic standards. Students are taught by WI-licensed online teachers as well as personal/family coaches and are encouraged by local school mentors identified by the participating districts. Students go online through computers in their homes, in classrooms or computer centers at their school district buildings or at public libraries. The nonthreatening atmosphere of these locations and the ability to exchange information around the clock”
Lodi, Lodi Charter School: The mission of the Lodi Charter School is to create an educational environment that prepares students in grades 9-12 to meet the challenges of the future. The belief is that all students have the ability to learn but not all students learn in the same way. The charter school’s goal is to maintain integrity of obtaining the academic skills necessary to be successful while at the same time addressing ….needs that are unique.”
Northern Ozaukee, The Wisconsin Virtual Academy: “…..offering students throughout Wisconsin equal access to an individualized, rigorous and self-paced instructional program delivered both on the Internet and via traditional instructional materials……..combines a comprehensive, standards-based, research-and performance-based curriculum, high expectations, technology, a significant amount of the off-line work, strong instructional support, and substantial involvement from parents or other primary adults….curriculum includes 6 core subjects and aligned with state standards….Built into the curriculum is an internal assessment system that provides frequent accountability as students work to master the curriculum at their own pace……connects students, parents and teachers…..A certified, experienced WI teacher on the WIVA staff oversees the learning of each student. The teacher is proactive in contacting parents and students with instructional assistance, including teaching strategies personalized to each student’s needs……Parents and other primary adults work with students in their home-based schools…….Parents are proactive in communicating with teachers……Students are empowered with this innovative and effective educational program to achieve high standards and reach their full academic and social potential.”
Prairie du Chien, Eastman Community Home Organization Elem School: “….the Eastman area consists of a small town with a population of 369 and the surrounding rural are. The economic base is agrarian, with parents and community members supporting the school as a center for educational and community activities….the instructional program in this charter school is not so much a change in content as in the methods of delivery….the goal of the school is to promote and uphold an atmosphere win which the following values are held:1)all students can learn and be successful, 2)students will learn the importance of a sense of place, 3) teachers and the community accept collective responsibility for student learning, and 4)learners are all different and have a right to a differentiated classroom where there is respect, fairness and caring”
**Waukesha, iQ Acadmies at Wisconsin: “…is devoted to making quality public education accessible for all 9-12 students. A dynamic, interactive, virtual learning experience is delivered to students and their families who, for various reason, are seeking a different kind of high school environment. The mission is to help all students achieve their learning goals through a positive and successful high school experience that prepares them for the future. ……brings a comprehensive highs curriculum, technology and choice together with individual needs and interaction……….a strong learning partnership between parents, students and their teachers. IQ Academies students access their district-approved courses at home via the Internet. Instruction is provided by experienced, WI-certified teachers who are highly qualified, trained subject matter experts. Students interact with their instructors in a variety of ways; e-mail, online discussions, and real-time online tutoring sessions (voice and whiteboard). Teachers are available for one-on-one support to each student, focusing on the specific areas where a student may be struggling. ….also access personnel, guidance and career planning services, district student services and library resources….the school specifically targets those students whose needs are no being met through traditional high school programs.”
Cambridge, JEDI Virtual High School: “JEDI Virtual High School harnesses the power of anytime, anyplace delivery of classes for students using emerging technologies. There are three key components that differentiate JEDI from existing WI virtual schools:
· Each students meets with a certified counselor to develop a personal education plan
· Each student is assigned a learning coach to guide the student on a daily basis. The coach is under the direction of a certified JEDI teacher and lives in close proximity to the student
· Courses are created and taught by master teachers. Students can either take the courses in real time or access all or parts of them as they are archived on the JEDI server.
Medford, Rural Virtual Academy: “The RVA provides a world-class education to K-8 nontraditional students. The RVA serves disenfranchised students who learn best at home through a combination of virtual and parent-teacher instruction because of a variety of situations (home-schoolers, the medically fragile and those diverse learners who cannot effectively benefit from regular classroom environment)……RVA is an instrumentality of the Medford Area Public Schools district. The staff and school are housed at he Medford school district’s central office. …delivers self-paced instruction…….The program provides remediation and acceleration options in addition to a regular school curriculum. The program encourages constant communication with students and parents and offers social and educations events through regular and virtual outings. A teacher supports every parent/mentor in his or her task of helping students maximize their potential and meet the WI State Standards. Communications is facilitated though e-mail and activity notices posted on the school webpages. Accountability is maintained through evaluation of student electronic portfolios, WKCE, other commercial standardized tests and parent/student satisfaction survey results.
Milwaukee, W.E.B Du Bois High School: “Measurable objectives include improvement each year in Terra Nova and WKCE Tests, grades, and SAT and ACT scores; high attendance; annual progress in closing the achievement gap for student of color and special education students; the involvement of all students in community service; and increased involvement of parents and community partners. An annual statistical evaluation day review all the gathered statistics and uses them to set school wide goals.
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